Frequently Asked Questions

These frequently asked questions have been prepared to address the most common queries that we receive from Tulane Freeman students who are interested in studying abroad. You should read through the policies and procedures listed on the Freeman Abroad website, as well as these FAQs, to research the study abroad process at Freeman.

Please note that these questions and answers have been prepared for students who are planning to study abroad through a program approved by Freeman Study Abroad & Exchange. Therefore, the answers are not necessarily applicable to you if you are participating in a program through the NTC Office of Study Abroad or on a non-Tulane Program.

Do I have to know a foreign language?

Our partner universities offer most of their classes in English for exchange students (Tulane students join other exchange students from around the world on these programs). If you are interested in taking any of your classes in the local language you will be required to demonstrate proficiency in that language. Some universities also offer the opportunity to enroll in language classes to help enrich your experience abroad.

Please understand that the more you are willing to immerse yourself in the local language and culture, the more benefits you will reap from your experience. Some smaller cities offer you unique immersion experiences and may require use of the local language for daily living. Daily life in smaller cities where there are fewer Americans can offer you a rich cultural and linguistic experience different from that had in larger cosmopolitan cities.

Where should I study abroad?

Selecting a program is one of the most important steps in studying abroad! Your host city will be your home, whether for a semester or a whole year! Programs differ in many ways, from the academics available to the campus size and feel.

Students applying for Freeman Abroad programs are required to complete a Host University Request List on which they choose 3-5 different universities that they are interested in. Each university has a limited number of spots available, so it is important that you take time to research the different programs that are offered. Programs offered can be found by using the program search feature on our website (

You should start by thinking about your business major (and/or minor) and identify programs that will help you meet the requirements of your degree. All our partner universities offer top-class business programs, each with its own unique course options, and we encourage students to explore taking classes that are different from those offered at Tulane here in New Orleans. 

In the first phase of your application, you will also read “How to Choose a Program” which offers some guiding questions to reflect on as you research different partner universities. This document provides guiding questions related to academic and professional goals, personal interests, cultural life, safety and security, and finances.

When should I study abroad?

Most Tulane A.B. Freeman School of Business students study abroad with Freeman Study Abroad during their junior year. As you begin planning for study abroad you should consider your academic and professional goals as well as the variety of unique programs that we offer. 

In addition to meeting with a Freeman Study Abroad Advisor, you should consult with your NTC and OUE Academic Advisors to discuss your graduation plans. In these meetings, you will learn about eligibility requirements, program details, the application process, course selection, and how your credits transfer back to Tulane. 

Also consider the unique cultural landscape for the destinations you are interested in studying! Many Tulane students study abroad during their Junior Year Fall Semester, but host countries offer a great variety of cultural and outdoor activities during the Spring semester as well. 

How can I learn about the different programs?

Prior to your Advising Session, go to and click on “Program Search.” There you can do a detailed search using different search parameters in order to navigate to our partner university descriptions, academics, housing, and financial information. If you are logged in as a Tulane student, you can also add programs to your favorites when viewing them in "Program Discovery" mode. 

Will I get into the program of my choice?

Students are not guaranteed their top choice university but have a better chance of receiving one of their preferred schools if they are on track towards completing their lower division business core courses and if they have a high GPA in those classes. 

Placement decsions are made based upon various criteria, including completion rate of lower division business core courses, the Freeman GPA, and thoughtful reflections in the Host University Request List describing the applicability of the host institution to your academic and professional goals. 

How will I select my courses?

As part of your Pre-decision application under the Academics tab of each program you will begin to peruse the Sample Course List as well as the official course listings from each host university. This will give you an idea of what kinds of courses may be offered at each university. Note that the Sample Course List is not a comprehensive list of courses that will be taught at each host university but instead offers you a glimpse of possible courses and their Tulane equivalents. This first step is important as it will help give you insight about which partner university programs match best with your own academic goals. 

After you are assigned a host university and have started working on submitting your secondary application and other requirements, you will begin to look more closely at the classes you will wish to enroll in at your host institution. Some institutions require you to request enrollment very early on, while others may not enroll students until after arrival. This process is different for every single partner institution, and it is important for you to familiarize yourself with their policies, procedures, and timelines. Tulane cannot interfere with our partners' processes, procedures, and timelines. It is important for each student to manage their own enrollment and to understand that official enrollment takes place at the host institution - NOT Tulane.  

You will also begin working on your Learning Agreement (LA) form. The LA form is an internal Tulane document that we use to make sure you are communicating with your advisors and you have an idea of what classes you can/cannot take while abroad. This will help you prepare for your study abroad experience academically and will help you continue working towards fulfilling your graduation plan. On this form, you will list up to ten classes that you would like to take while abroad. You should cross-reference the Sample Course List and the host university’s official course list. This is not an official registration form but is used to guide you and your advisors as you prepare for your study abroad experience.  Once enrollment for classes at host university is finalized, you will need to fill out a Final Learning Agreement Change Form to add or remove the appropriate classes. This needs to be repeated every time your course registration schedule changes. 

How can I find out the Tulane equivalency of a course?

Course equivalencies can be found on the Sample Course List under the Academics tab for each program, as mentioned in the previous question. Note that the Sample Course List is not a comprehensive list of courses that will be taught at each host university but instead offers you a glimpse of possible courses and their Tulane equivalents. 

Note that each course is listed as either 5380 or 5390. 5380 courses are generic terms for Fall Semester study abroad courses while the 5390 courses are generic terms for Spring and Summer Semester study abroad courses. 

What do I do to get my credits transferred?

Please remember that all courses taken abroad will count either as General Business Electives or Business Major Electives depending partly upon whether you are a single or a double business major. While you work through your application you should consult with your Academic Advisor and a Freeman Study Abroad Advisor to make sure that your study abroad experience will help you successfully complete your graduation goals. 

The first step to successfully getting your courses approved is doing your research on different program offerings by completing your Learning Agreement Form. As you work on that form you will cross-reference the Sample Course Lists and official host university course lists which are both listed under the “Academics” tab of each program. This initial step will help guarantee that the classes you take while abroad will help you work towards your graduation requirements. 

Official course selection will happen at the beginning of the semester at your host university, but the previously mentioned steps will help you prepare a selection of classes that will help you continue working towards fulfilling your graduation plan. Throughout this process, you can consult with your NTC or OUE Academic Advisor or a Freeman Study Abroad Advisor. 

How many courses can I take in a semester abroad?

When you study abroad with Freeman, you are required to take a minimum of 12 equivalent Tulane credits (be sure to read the Academics tab of each partner institution for information on credit equivalency as this can differ from program to program). You may take up to 18 equivalent credits while abroad, although it is rare for students to do so. 

If you receive financial aid, please be sure to consult with your financial aid counselor about minimum course requirements that pertain to financial aid. 

When will my grades and courses be posted on my transcript?

Grades are processed and posted as they are received, and the timing of their posting varies from program to program. Freeman Study Abroad receives transcripts from host institutions and programs and is therefore dependent upon these institutions for the grades. You can expect a waiting period of up to three-fourths of the semester following the conclusion of the study abroad program. Upon receipt, the grades are checked by Freeman Study Abroad and OUE staff and then entered into the Tulane system. 

Do I need to attend a predeparture orientation?

Predeparture Orientations are mandatory and are held the semester prior to your study abroad experience. The Freeman Study Abroad Predeparture is completed on Canvas and is listed as a requirement on your study abroad application. 

In this orientation, you will complete online modules which give general information on academics, logistics, health and safety, and how to maximize your study abroad experience. ICADE students will complete an orientation specific to their program. This orientation is led by Freeman Study Abroad staff and/or program representatives who have experience in study abroad. 

What if I need help applying for a visa or a passport?

Freeman Study Abroad offers programs in many different countries and visa requirements can vary greatly. Students are responsible for informing themselves of the specific visa requirements for their host country and are responsible for submitting necessary paperwork and applications. Freeman Study Abroad staff can advise students on some visa-related questions but since requirements frequently change, we often refer students directly to primary sources of information such as government sites. 

How do I book my flight?

Students studying abroad through Tulane University should book their airline ticket through World Travel Services using Concur. 

Click here for Instructions for booking travel.

Click here for more information regarding Tulane's travel policies. 

Where will I live?

Housing situations can vary greatly depending on the country, the city, and the university that you attend. Some universities offer on-site housing which may include international student dormitories. Some universities may not have on-site housing but offer services to help you identify off-campus lodging. Some other universities expect students to find their own housing off-campus. 

As you begin completing your Host University Request List you should take time to read through the “Housing” tab for each university that you are interested in. We also suggest that you contact other Tulane students who have previously studied at your universities of choice. 

We always encourage students to seek housing where they will feel comfortable but also to look for opportunities to immerse themselves in local culture as well as connect with local students and other international students. The place where you live during your semester abroad can be an integral part of your cultural and linguistic immersion experience and so should be chosen with care. Carpe diem! 

Is it safe to study abroad?

Your safety is an important part of the mission of Freeman Study Abroad. Tulane takes great care to select and continuously monitor the programs in our portfolio, all of which have staff who are very knowledgeable about the host culture and can serve as resources in a time of emergency. We also urge you to take personal responsibility for your safety. During the pre-departure orientation programming, Freeman Study Abroad staff will advise you on how to take precautions while abroad by staying aware of your surroundings and being attuned to potentially unsafe situations. We will also help you become informed about the local culture and customs, in order to better understand your new environment. 

Here are some tips for staying safe while studying abroad: 

  • Download the app from Crisis 24 (Tulane's travel assistance provider) and pay close attention to all alerts and other travel information you receive there. 
  • Register with the U.S. Department of State STEP (Smart Traveler Enrollment Program) 
  • Identify your local and international support system – program staff, classmates, roommates, Tulane staff – and always keep their contact information on you. 
  • Make sure other people know where you are; notify your family or friends of your regular class schedule, extra-curricular activities, and travel plans. 
  • Avoid risky behaviors like excessive alcohol use that impair your ability to protect yourself. 
  • Be aware of your surroundings, and familiar with the layout of cities you live in or visit. 
Do I need insurance while abroad?

You are required to demonstrate adequate health coverage both in the U.S. and in your host country while studying abroad. For U.S. coverage, students must complete the annual on-line waiver process, just as they would if they were staying at Tulane. 

As a participant in a Freeman Abroad program, you will be enrolled in a student health and travel insurance plan through GeoBlue Worldwide for the duration of your program abroad.

Once you have been enrolled in the insurance plan you will receive an email to log into your account at Sign into the site to print your insurance card and access comprehensive information and services related to your plan. You can track claims, search for a doctor, view plan information, download claim forms and read health and security information through their website. Please be sure you can log in to GeoBlue Worldwide and print your insurance card before you leave. If you have difficulty logging in to your GeoBlue Worldwide account, please contact your Study Abroad & Exchange advisor.

What are my chances to get into my top choice program?

Freeman Abroad programs are exchange programs. Each program is administered via a partnership agreement with a host institution, and the number of students that Tulane can send is dependent upon the number of students sent to us by the partner. We also do not control how many applicants will list each institution as their top choice(s). Therefore it is impossible to predict what any given student's chances are to get into their top choice institution. We encourage each student to research programs using sound reasoning. See here for how to avoid the common pitfalls of choosing a study abroad program. 

The Wrong Reasons to Study Abroad

If you are looking for academic escape or a stress-free semester primarily spent traveling, studying abroad may not be a good option. If you simply want to travel abroad, we encourage you to do so — and dispense with the studying part. Not only will it be less expensive overall, you will be able to do it at the time of year that best suits your schedule and destination preferences, as not every destination will offer a suitable program. However, students should not expect the same results. Studying abroad offers opportunities and experiences one cannot have simply from traveling internationally. Studying abroad offers the chance to combine studying a subject with real-life experiences. It enables students to study alongside students from the host country and a diverse group from around the world. Students abroad are in a learning environment, not just travel mode, which provides challenges — and rewards — on a completely different scale.