Darwin Fenner Student Managed Fund

Manage Real Investments with the Darwin Fenner Student Managed Fund

In the Darwin Fenner Student Managed Fund course, students actively manage more than $5.8 million in three separate equity portfolios – and regularly beat the benchmark indexes.

Some schools give students the chance to experiment with simulated portfolios. With the Darwin Fenner Fund, students build proprietary industry sector models and make investment decisions with real portfolios. It's an experience few other schools can match.

Expand Your Freeman Experience

For students seeking a challenging experience, the Darwin Fenner Fund goes beyond academic rigor, empowering you to manage real risk with real money.

  • Study respected academic research and learn sophisticated methods for analyzing stocks while managing a mid-cap or a small-cap portfolio.
  • Gain experience with the software and databases used by professional fund managers, including Bloomberg Terminals, ThomsonOne.com, Standard & Poor's Net Advantage, and Standard & Poor’s Capital IQ.
  • Enact your skills by buying and selling S&P 400 and S&P 600 stocks with the goal of generating higher returns than the respective indexes without taking higher risk.

Build a Lifetime of Career Capital

Many Darwin Fenner students find that while the Freeman name gets them a job interview, it’s their experience with the Darwin Fenner Fund that secures their first job.

As a Darwin Fenner Fund student, you'll create a sector model that you can show to prospective employers, giving you a competitive advantage over other candidates. You'll also enjoy career-long connections through the Darwin Fenner LinkedIn group. Our graduates have pursued investment banking, portfolio asset management, and wealth management careers with companies like J.P. Morgan Asset Management and Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research.

Join a Distinguished Tradition

The Darwin Fenner Student Managed Fund course was established in 1999 and reorganized in 2002 as an invitation-only honors seminar designed to provide top Freeman students with a unique, high-value experiential learning opportunity. Since 2002, students have regularly outperformed the market, generating higher returns than their respective indexes without taking higher risk.