Barrett Wheeler

  • Assistant Professor
Office Address 512
Phone 504-862-8045
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Barrett Wheeler teaches financial accounting to undergraduate students as well as to graduate students in the Freeman School's Online MBA program. He previously taught auditing in the Masters of Accounting program. His research focuses on financial accounting, with an emphasis on issues related to bank accounting and regulation. He received his PhD from Indiana University and also holds a master's degree in business from Indiana University and a bachelor's degree in commerce from the University of Virginia. Prior to his doctoral studies, Professor Wheeler worked in industry for ten years, including six years in public accounting with Ernst & Young and four years as the head of financial reporting for a community bank in Virginia.


Currently teaching:

ACCN 2010 Financial Accounting

ACCN 6000 Financial Accounting

Previously taught:

ACCN 4100 / ACCN 7110 Auditing


  • Wheeler, P.B. "Loan Loss Accounting and Procyclical Bank Lending: The Role of Direct Regulatory Actions." Journal of Accounting and Economics, 67, No. 2-3 (2019): 463-495.
  • Wheeler, P.B. "Unrecognized Expected Credit Losses and Bank Share Prices." Journal of Accounting Research, 59, No. 3 (2021), 805-866.
  • Narayanamoorthy, G. and P.B. Wheeler. "Income Smoothing in Banks: Obfuscation or information?" Contemporary Accounting Research. Forthcoming.

Education & Affiliations

B.S. in Commerce, University of Virginia, 2002
M.Bus. in Accounting, Indiana University, 2015
Ph.D. in Accounting, Indiana University, 2017